Insights into 340B pharmacies amid market upheaval
Given the mounting challenges and restrictions with the 340B Drug Pricing Program, what is the state of 340B pharmacies in federally qualified community health centers (CHCs) today? What are their top challenges, what do they plan for future growth, and what are their preferred vendor characteristics?
To find out, read the new report from healthcare consultancy Sage Growth Partners, which was commissioned by Maxor. It’s titled, “The State of Community Health Center Pharmacies Today: Challenges, Needs, Preferences, and Plans,” and summarizes the responses from 75 decision makers within CHCs.
You’ll learn…
- How many CHCs are operating on-site pharmacies today and how many plan to open one in the next three years
- What their top operational challenges are
- What percentage use third parties to manage their on-site or specialty pharmacies
- What they’re looking for in partnerships with 340B vendors