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National Prescription Drug Takeback Day

On October 29th, 2022, The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency is partnering with local law enforcement to provide the National Prescription Drug Takeback Day from 10am to 2pm at locations nationwide. This event happens twice per year and it gives citizens a safe, convenient, and responsible way to return expired, unused, or unwanted prescription drugs.

Drugs Allowed at National Takeback Events include tablets, capsules, patches, and other solid forms of prescription drugs. Liquids, syringes, and illicit drugs are not allowed.

Did you know that most people who misuse prescription drugs get them from family, friends, and acquaintances? Ensuring that your medications are stored safely and properly and taking any unused prescriptions to a Prescription Take Back Day location can help promote health and safety in your family and community. It is important to keep these medications from falling into the wrong hands as prescription drug use among teens is rising. Let’s work together to keep all prescriptions locked up and out of reach from young children.

How Not to Dispose of Prescription Drugs

Proper disposal of prescription drugs does not include…

  • Flushing down the sink or toilet.
  • Dissolving with running water.
  • Throwing drugs away in the trash.

Prescription drugs are not removed from our water in sewage treatment facilities and septic tank systems. When disposed of improperly, they enter the soil, surface water, and groundwater. It’s vital to protect our environment and our ground water source by giving unused prescriptions to local authorities to dispose of safely.  

Find Your Location

Click here to find your local national prescription drug takeback location: